Donate to The Dock
HSP understands the needs of the youth community and is excited to bring the DOCK Fitness & Wellness Building to the Hingham High School campus. This building will provide an inclusive space for physical and mental workouts. Please support the Campaign for the DOCK by making a tax-deductible contribution today! Any amount makes a difference - all gifts $500 and over will receive recognition on the donor wall. Learn More!
Our Mission
Is to Inspire, Educate & Advocate for the positive values and benefits achieved through broad-based community supported athletic programs. HSP offers leadership and financial assistance to youth and school sports programs, and promotes community awareness and support of athletic events.
HSP is an independent non-profit 501(c)(3)organization.
Online Sponsorship & Grant Applications
The Hingham Sports Partnership accepts requests for funding via our grant or sponsorship on-line forms. Please use the appropriate link depending on whether your request is for a sponsorship or grant. For questions or more information, contact Hingham Sports Partnership Grant Chair, Kathleen Thrun at kthrun@verizon.net.